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Russian Ambassador Antonov Describes US Measures: "Sanctions for the Sake of Sanctions"

- Don't you feel like the new sanctions were imposed for the sake of imposing sanctions? And considering the fact, that Trump is accused of colluding with Russia. In this context, the US President has to deflect these attacks as well. Many people ask themselves, and I'm no exception Are we doomed to suffer from new sanctions until Trump's term is over? And what do you respond to your American counterparts when they threaten to impose new sanctions against Russia? Anatoly Antonov, Russian ambassador to the United States: - You've used a very accurate phrase: "doomed to suffer from sanctions". Perhaps I'll be criticized by your viewers but I'd say that we're doomed to cooperate with the US not suffer from sanctions. I'm absolutely sure that there are too many global issues which the US, Russia, and other states must resolve together. No state, however powerful it may be right now we're talking about the US can't resolve the security problems we encounter single-handedly. And once again, I mention international terrorism. It's impossible to imagine the US creating some happy and peaceful enclaves untouched by terrorists. Life has shown that it's impossible. And life's shown that we need each other. Regarding your more concrete question, we're trying to explain to them that sanctions are a dead end way. We're not afraid of sanctions. It's not a slogan, I actually believe that. By the way, I proudly say that I'm the only ambassador in the world who's subject to sanctions. I'm subject to the EU and Canadian sanctions. I want to ask a question: Do those politicians, those people who impose sanctions against Russia or against me believe that we'll tuck our tails and won't defend our position? Do they expect us to say: "We're so sorry we were wrong it won't happen again?" You know, in this context — again, my opinion might get criticized by the viewers — I'd remind you of the WWII. It was difficult, everyone knows that. The times were tough indeed. We were under pressure from all sides. As you know, we were retreating until we reached Moscow. It didn't result in our collapse which many ill-wishers were so eager to see but rather rallying. Today, we have Putin — a leader we'll rally around and become stronger than ever. Anatoly Antonov, Ambassador to the US.

Russian Ambassador Antonov Describes US Measures: "Sanctions for the Sake of Sanctions"
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