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Морис Саатчи, Лео Бернетт и Дэвид Огилви стали котами в серии принтов агентства We Are Social

Французское креативное агентство We Are Social запустило в своем официальном профиле Instagram нестандартную кампанию. В знак, судя по всему, большой любви и уважения к легендам рекламного бизнеса агентство представило их в виде котиков. Как говорится, «котики для привлечения внимания». Арт-директор агентства We Are Social решил воспользоваться притягательностью образа кошек в социальных сетях и запустил серию принтов. На них он изобразил самых ярких представителей рекламной индустрии, повлиявших и навсегда изменивших этот бизнес, в образе котов. Среди участников Уильям Бернбах, Морис Саатчи, Лео Бернетт, Дэн Уиеден, Дэвид Огилви, Джордж Лоис, Ли Клоу и другие. View this post on Instagram Maurice Saatchi / UK’s Health Education Council / 1970 . Con?u pour le Planning Familial anglais, cette campagne a oblig? le public ? remettre en question sa vision quant ? la contraception. Destin?e ? ?tre diffus?e uniquement dans les salles d’attente des m?decins du Royaume-Uni, cette pub finira dans les pages du Time Magazine. . Sometimes ads are more than a piece of advertising – they’re messages that force people to question their assumptions. Intended to be shown only in UK doctors' waiting rooms, this ad ended up in Time Magazine. . #creative #instaartist #graphicdesign #creativity #digitalart #artoftheday #inspiration #advertising #communication #marketing #agency #Cat #Instacat #Instacats #Catofinstagram A post shared by We Are Social France (@wearesocialfr) on Sep 21, 2018 at 10:20am PDT View this post on Instagram Dan Wieden / Just Do It / 1988 . Est-ce qu’on doit vraiment introduire cette baseline ? La baseline la plus connue de ces trentes derni?res ann?es a une origine bien plus violente que celle que vous avez en t?te. “Let’s do it” : voil? les derniers mots d’un condamn? un mort qui ont marqu? Dan Wieden au moment de convaincre Nike. Transformez le “Let’s” par “Just” et la l?gende Nike est n?e. . Do we really need to introduce this one? The best-known tagline of these last thirty years has a much darker past than you realise. "Let's do it" were the last words of a man sentenced to the death penalty and came to Dan Wieden the moment he had to convince Nike. Replace the "Let's" with "Just" and the Nike legend was born. . #creative #instaartist #graphicdesign #creativity #digitalart #artoftheday #inspiration #advertising #communication #marketing #agency #Cat #Instacat #Instacats #Catofinstagram A post shared by We Are Social France (@wearesocialfr) on Sep 20, 2018 at 10:34am PDT View this post on Instagram David Ogilvy / Rolls Royce / 1957 . “? 60 miles par heure, le bruit le plus fort dans cette nouvelle Rolls Royce vient de l’horloge ?lectrique “. David Ogilvy consid?rait cette accroche comme la meilleure jamais ?crite avec son agence. On peut facilement se mettre ? la place du conducteur ? toute vitesse n’entendant que le subtil bruit de l’horloge de la voiture. L’ann?e suivante, les ventes de Rolls Royce augmentent de 50%. . “At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in the new Rolls Royce came from the electric clock”. David Ogilvy considered this headline the best ever written by his agency. A headline you could really feel & imagine, putting yourself in the driver's seat, accelerating fast & only hearing the subtle ticking of a clock. As a result, sales in rose 50% between 1957 and 1958. . #creative #instaartist #graphicdesign #creativity #digitalart #artoftheday #inspiration #advertising #communication #marketing #agency #Cat #Instacat #Instacats #Catofinstagram A post shared by We Are Social France (@wearesocialfr) on Sep 20, 2018 at 10:30am PDT View this post on Instagram Leo Burnett / Tony le Tigre / 1935 . Leo Burnett fonde en 1935 l’agence du m?me nom. 17 ans plus tard, Tony le Tigre est n?. En 2018, il est toujours l?. Tony aurait pu ?tre un Kangourou, un ?l?phant ou un gnou. Vous imaginez ? Nous, non. Les mascottes de marque ?taient n?es. . Leo Burnett founded his agency in 1935. 17 years later, Tony the Tiger was born. In 2018, he’s still there. Tony could have been a kangaroo, an elephant or a wildebeest, now impossible to imagine. Brand mascots were born. . #creative #instaartist #graphicdesign #creativity #digitalart #artoftheday #inspiration #advertising #communication #marketing #agency #Cat #Instacat #Instacats #Catofinstagram #trendy #instakitty #catoftheday #fashion #beauty #face #photography #model A post shared by We Are Social France (@wearesocialfr) on Sep 19, 2018 at 9:33am PDT View this post on Instagram George Lois / Esquire / 1968 . Avec la cover “La passion de Mohammed Ali”, George Lois cr?e l’une des couvertures de magazine les plus cultes du 20?me si?cle. En 1968, Ali refusa de s’engager au Vietnam du fait de ses convictions religieuses. En le repr?sentant en ic?ne religieuse chr?tienne, George Lois fait entrer Ali dans la post?rit?. . “The Passion of Muhammad Ali’’ created by George Lois became one of the most famous magazine covers of the 20th century. In 1968, Ali refused to go to Vietnam because of his faith. By portraying him as a Christian religious icon, George Lois transformed Ali into a living legend. . #creative #instaartist #graphicdesign #creativity #digitalart #artoftheday #inspiration #advertising #communication #marketing #agency #Cat #Instacat #Instacats #Catofinstagram #trendy #instakitty #catoftheday #fashion #beauty #face #photography #model A post shared by We Are Social France (@wearesocialfr) on Sep 19, 2018 at 9:30am PDT View this post on Instagram Bill Bernbach / Volkswagen - Think small / 1959. . La pub qui changea ? jamais l’histoire de la pub. Les familles am?ricaines ?taient obs?d?es par les grosses voitures en 1959. Leur vendre une petite voiture ?tait un d?fi ! Doyle-Dane-Bernbach (DDB) brisent alors toutes les conventions : simplicit?, typo sans serif, petite image du produit, beaucoup de vide, une copie en 2 mots et enfin du noir et blanc. En plus de booster les ventes, cette pub a cr?? une fid?lit? sans faille entre les consommateurs et Volkswagen. . This ad, and the work of the ad agency behind it, changed the very nature of advertising. In 1959, Baby Boomer families were obsessed with big, American cars. It was a challenge to sell them a small car! Doyle-Dane-Bernbach (DDB) went against the grain: simplicity, sans serif font, small black and white images of the product, a lot of blank space and 2 word copy. The campaign was so successful that it did much more than boost sales, building a lifetime of brand loyalty. . #creative #instaartist #graphicdesign #creativity #digitalart #artoftheday #inspiration #advertising #communication #marketing #agency #Cat #Instacat #Instacats #Catofinstagram #trendy #instakitty #catoftheday #fashion #beauty #face #photography #model A post shared by We Are Social France (@wearesocialfr) on Sep 18, 2018 at 10:06am PDT View this post on Instagram David Droga / Ecko-Still Free / 2006 . La nouvelle ?re de la pub. Apr?s un mois d’existence, l’agence Droga 5 propose quelque chose qui n’avait jamais ?t? vu avant. David Droga propose ? la marque de streetwear Ecko de graffer Air Force One. Bien ?videmment, il s’agit d’un fake mais qui a fait tellement de bruit que m?me le Pentagone a d? nier l’authenticit? du film. . The new era of advertising. In the first month, Droga 5 showed something that had never been seen before: they picked the most outrageous place a graffiti artist could tag—Air Force One—and staged a video of a group of artists doing just that. Droga5 created a sensation and the Pentagon had to deny the video’s authenticity three times. . #creative #instaartist #graphicdesign #creativity #digitalart #artoftheday #inspiration #advertising #communication #marketing #agency #Cat #Instacat #Instacats #Catofinstagram A post shared by We Are Social France (@wearesocialfr) on Sep 21, 2018 at 10:21am PDT View this post on Instagram Jay Chiat / Le Lapin Energizer / 1989 . Vous pensiez que les Tide Ads du Superbowl 2018 avaient r?volutionn? un format avec le hack d’autres fausses pubs ? TBWA/Chiat/Day l’a fait en 1989 avec la cr?ation du lapin Energizer qui vient hacker d’autres pubs car inarr?table. Le succ?s fut tel que depuis, toutes les g?n?rations connaissent le lapin Energizer. . The Tide Ads of the 2018 Superbowl didn’t quite revolutionize fake ad hacking! TBWA / Chiat / Day were ahead of the game in 1989 with the Energizer Bunny that hacked other ads because of its infinite energy. It was so successful that everyone now knows the Energizer Bunny. . #creative #instaartist #graphicdesign #creativity #digitalart #artoftheday #inspiration #advertising #communication #marketing #agency #Cat #Instacat #Instacats #Catofinstagram A post shared by We Are Social France (@wearesocialfr) on Sep 20, 2018 at 10:26am PDT View this post on Instagram Lee Clow / Apple / 1984 . Si on devait retenir un film de l’histoire de la pub, c’est celui-l?. Lee Clow travaille avec Ridley Scott ? la r?alisation. R?f?rence ? 1984 d’Orwell ?videmment. Ce film au budget colossal (750 000$) est diffus? au superbowl 1984 et marquera ? jamais les esprits. La saga des publicit?s du Superbowl commence… . If you remember one movie from the history of advertising, this is it. Lee Clow worked with Ridley Scott on the production. A reference to Orwell's 1984, this movie costing 750,000$ was broadcast at the 1984 Super Bowl. The saga of Superbowl ads begins... . #creative #instaartist #graphicdesign #creativity #digitalart #artoftheday #inspiration #advertising #communication #marketing #agency #Cat #Instacat #Instacats #Catofinstagram #superbowl1984 A post shared by We Are Social France (@wearesocialfr) on Sep 21, 2018 at 10:24am PDT

Морис Саатчи, Лео Бернетт и Дэвид Огилви стали котами в серии принтов агентства We Are Social
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